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Q&A with the Artist

Artistic Questions

What did you want to be when you grew up?

An animator. I remember being about 7 years old and sitting in the back of our family van, probably on the long road trip to grandma’s house, drawing and watching Disney films, dreaming about that possibility.

How / when did you know you were going to be an artist?

Apparently at the age of 7, but I’ve been denying it for a looooong time. It’s funny how that works. When I was in 3rd grade, I drew something I didn’t know I was capable of. Other kids were good at math or sports, but when others started commenting on how much they liked my art, I knew that it wasn’t just something I loved, but something I was actually good at! I was so excited about it. In 4thgrade, my teacher voted me “most likely to become an artist”; I won our school-wide Christmas card contest (It was the only art award I’ve ever really received! Haha). I kept drawing throughout the years and people really appreciated what I could do, but it seemed to be an overly popular opinion that being an artist was not a worthy calling, so I kinda gave that dream up. I went off to college to study International Business and Communications (Advertising, PR, etc.). I remember talking to my mom on the way back from class one day during my Junior year of college in a panic saying, “I think I chose the wrong major!!!”. A few years later into my professional career, I just wasn’t feeling right. I felt like I was searching aimlessly for “myself” and trying to plug myself in to a role I didn’t fit. I do think that sometimes we have to take jobs that don’t “fit”, because earning a living and supporting yourself is important and you learn something from everything you do. But, I just knew I was running from what I was supposed to do because it sounded too hard and I was afraid of disapproval. After much praying to God and asking for guidance, I took a leap of faith and am pushing onwards! And honestly, looking back, I actually don’t know that I chose the wrong major. I believe everything happens for a reason and honestly, I use my business and communications skills every day!

What are your favorite things to draw?

Ooh, definitely people. But more specifically, I really enjoy drawing women in interesting clothing. I love studying different cultures and enjoy learning about history, so many of my pieces turn into historical or cultural fashion illustrations. My hope is that they help others learn something new as much as they help me!

What’s the best piece you’ve ever done?

Huh. You may have to get back to me on that one. There are some very nostalgic pieces, for sure, so perhaps something along those lines. I really like the sentimental things!

What are your hopes for the future in your artistic career?

I really want to be bold in my learning. I hope to become adept in a variety of traditional mediums as well as become an expert digital artist. I’ve only done a handful of digital pieces and would love to learn more confidence in that medium!

I’d also love to be a well-loved children’s book illustrator and an artist known for bringing encouragement, hope, and inspiration through my pieces. It would be a dream to be asked to do some kind of history book illustrations!!! I’d love to help kids learn more about the world!

I think it would also be really cool to do concept art or storyboarding for Disney. *happy sigh*

What has been your favorite artistic project?

So, I lived abroad in Italy for a time and was really inspired to start a fashion illustration blog. It was one of the most wonderful, fun things I’ve ever done and probably a good predecessor to my current career. Doing what I loved and writing about it weekly, sometimes bi-weekly was so much fun. The blog is no longer up and I’ve stopped creating for it, but maybe I’ll bring out some of those illustrated pieces in the future. :)


Writing Questions

So, I hear you like to write. Are you writing anything interesting right now?

:) Why yes! I love to write. I’m especially fond of creative writing. At the moment, I’m working on a young adult novel and a children’s book. TBD on when they’ll be done. I’ve honestly been conceptualizing the YA novel for YEARS… and research is time consuming. But, I can tell you that it’s evolved and changed and will one day make for an interesting read. I can’t wait until I get there and can share it!

What would you say has been your biggest influence when it comes to writing?

Hm. Aside from reading and personal life experience, I’d say my 5th grade teacher. She focused heavily on writing and I remember doing so much of it in her class. She was tough, but it was one of the best experiences I’ve ever had and has really propelled me into writing since then. Thanks Mrs. _____ for the confidence and helpful structure you gave me!!! :)

When did you start writing creatively?

I’ve been writing creatively my whole life, but the first time I really remember writing outside of school work and in a more serious manner was around 6th-7th grade. I was going through some tough stuff (as we all do around that time), but amidst the sadness / awkwardness / anxiety-ridden tween years, I think I began to write stories to help me stay hopeful and focus on something fun. I read a lot at the time and I think that really influenced my desire to write my own book! HA I had a lot of free time during one period of the school day as I was what was called an “aid”, someone who would run errands for the front office. While I sat waiting for things to deliver, I wrote. It was so awesome to have that quiet, creative time. I only managed to write about 20 pages of this fantasy novel in my spiral-bound notebook and I remember accidentally leaving that notebook in my dad’s car. I didn’t know where that notebook had gone for a while. He came back later and told me my story was really good and I was SO EMBARRASSED that he had read it. I still laugh about that every so often. And by the way, looking back on the work of your younger years requires some strength. And maybe a younger frame of reference. Whew. Now that I’m older, I do wonder what my dad really thought. Haha, I think I need to go call him and ask!

I can’t find your stories! Will you ever share some of your written work?

I hope so! I’m very protective of my written work as it constantly changes and evolves and I consider it very personal. I’m hoping to keep things under wraps until it’s finally published, but maybe I’ll write something specifically for an online / ongoing format… Hm…

What’s one of your biggest struggles when it comes to writing?

Whether or not to drop the Oxford comma. It is a constant battle in my mind. And, it absolutely drives me crazy to know that somewhere, my work is not consistent… eeeee… The copy writer and editor in me cringes. Bear with me, AP and Chicago stylers. I’ve learned both and just haven’t accepted either as absolute.


Just for Fun Questions

Favorite meal of the day?

That depends. I really like dinner because it’s time my husband and I get to spend together! I love that time. In terms of food, though, I really like breakfast ‘cause you can cheat and call sugary goodness a meal. MMM pastries. I mean, eggs and veggies. But really, pastries.

If you could have any pet in the world, what would it be?

A CAT. OHHHHHHHHH if you only knew! I have an obsession. I’ve recently moved thousands of miles away from my fluffy nuggets and I miss having them around. We can’t have pets where we currently live and honestly, I don’t think my husband and I want that responsibility quiiiite yet. But…. I do freak out every time our neighbors’ cats are around and boy do they get a good, snuggly petting. And some gibberish nonsense. LOTS of that.

What word would you use to describe yourself, and why?

*I first must assure you that I respect the English language and have a background in serious writing, have owned an AP Style guide, take the dictionary seriously… etc… but, I may be about to make up a word.*

Child-hearted. I always have been, and I hope I always will be! I don’t like to be called “childish”, because it tends to come with a negative connotation, but child-hearted fits. My spirit is very much young and I get excited over the little things. I appreciate a good animated series! I love colorful things, like gel pens! I appreciate make-believe games and love talking to children! Don’t get me started on all things sugary and adorable. I admit I definitely volley between uber serious and then bubbly and excitable (sorry for anyone I confuse), but I just like to be a ray of sunshine, encouragement, and hope for others and I don’t ever want to compromise that.

Ice cream or gelato?

How do you choose?! Crazy talk.

Which animated character do you associate with most?

Hm. Of course it changes based on life phase / experiences at the time… but, I’ll give my top 3.

  • Rapunzel from “Tangled”

  • When I was younger, I lived a pretty protected / sheltered life and honestly used to feel as if I lived in a tall tower. Some of it self-imposed, for sure. I’ve had to learn to break out of that way of living / thinking and have had to overcome lots of barriers of guilt and worry over disappointing people like she did. I love adventure, have a lot of artistic interests, and have a very curious, stubborn, and determined nature.

  • Serena / Usagi / Sailor Moon from “Sailor Moon”

  • You’d think that being a dancer for much of my life would have made me graceful. HAHA. I can be klutzy. Okay, it’s more just careless, but yes. I also can be pretty emotional and I like to think I have some very animated faces like she does. Hopefully I’m not as whiny… funny I didn’t notice that my role model was whiny as a kid!

  • Merida from “Brave”

  • When Merida made her debut, I was definitely learning to be more independent, so she really struck a chord with me. Doing what’s expected vs. what I love, etc. etc. I also really love learning about my Scottish heritage, so it was really exciting to see the culture portrayed in film!

Do you have a favorite song?

I think at each life phase, I get a new one. But, these have stuck around for a while.

  • “Kiss from a Rose” by Seal

  • “Kokomo” by the Beach Boys

  • “Fire (Space Version)” by 2NE1

What is your biggest pet peeve?

It’s somewhere between not being on time / planning well enough. I’ve been taught that being late to things is soooo rude. And to me, time is my most valuable resource. I get so offended when someone is late to something I’ve planned or doesn’t get back to me about plans early on. I also really don’t like it when people make spur of the moment decisions / plans or expect things to happen without ample amount of time to prepare / plan. >.< It makes me sooooo mad, but I am learning to relax on that slowly. *Sigh*

How do you relax?

I think I’m bad at relaxing. I really like to go exploring! I want to discover new restaurants, cultural experiences, people, etc. I used to have this one bubble tea and Korean bakery I went to as often as I could. It was the perfect mix of getting away and resting while exploring. I need to find a new one! I can sometimes get engrossed in a book or binge watch TV all day. That can be pretty awesome, as long as I get up and do something in between, ‘cause I get antsy haha

If your house was burning to the ground and you only had time to grab 3 things (people / pets excluded), what would they be?

  • Wedding photos: Our wedding was a long time coming. My husband and I have dated for a LONG time, 3-4 years of that being long distance and FINALLY being together and married after all those years has just meant the world. I want to remember our special day with family and friends forever!

  • Box of memories: To be more specific about a “LONG time”, my husband and I have been dating since high school. We met in marching band and have collected notes, prom corsages, tiny gifts, and other little trinkets throughout our relationship and put them in his old marching shoes box. I’d be so heartbroken to lose those memories.

  • My sketchbooks: Art is very personal to me and I put my heart into my pieces. I would be so sad to lose any of it! I also enjoy seeing the changes in my work throughout the years and remembering the times I worked on those pieces. They are great memories for me.

I had so much fun answering these questions! Let me know if you have any more and I’ll be happy to take a go at them. :)

Yours truly,

Chelle Elle

“Chelle Elle” has been drawing since she was really small. No restaurant napkin was ever safe when crayons were involved! Now, she writes and illustrates characters and other fun ideas to help her dreams and the dreams of others come to life! And yes, she takes commissions and would love to hear from you.

Email her today to learn more about how she can bring your ideas to life at:

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