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Silly Story for the First Day of NaNoWriMo!

The Rock & The Beautiful Princess Short Story by @ArtofChelleElle


In honor of the beginning of this month-long occasion, I shall start with a silly story from randomly drawn writing prompts!



Writers take tiny pieces of paper and write several prompts in three categories, keeping them separate and folding them up when done. Prompt categories are:

1) Protagonist / “Hero”

2) Plot Focus (the action of the story)

3) Antagonist / “Bad Guy”

Then, each writer draws one piece of paper out of a bowl / hat / etc. from each category, and writes a mini-story from the prompts.

Time Limit: 15 minutes

Prompts Drawn:

  • Protagonist / “Hero”: A rock

  • Focus of the story: A magic bubble transports them to…

  • Antagonist / “Bad Guy”: The beautiful princess


“The Rock & The Beautiful Princess”

In a country hillside, quaint with little budding daisies and a whole lot of bees (I’m talking an inordinate amount of bees, like, “Hey, we’ve popped in for a little visit, …. Buuuuuuut, we’ve actually decided to stay… forever. And bring our cousins, aunties, best friends, best friends once-removed, and everyone else of our kind that ever existed…). It was just really unhealthy.

So, the bees soon found out that they (themselves, their cousins, their aunties, and all parties involved) were unable to live in the meadow sustainably… but, all too late, ‘cause they died. Which meant the flowers died… and everything else supported by the food chain in the surrounding area. Quite suddenly. It was as if there was some dark magic at work.

As sad as it all was, there was still one being left amidst the rubble, and that being was a rock. The rock was pretty complacent. He didn’t ask for much. Just a little moss now and again to cover his bald spot (which was everywhere, poor fellow). But, where could a guy get some moss around these parts? The foolish and sudden swarm of bumbling bees had destroyed all he knew as home.

One day, as the rock contemplated the meaning of life and worried about eras to come where he might be enslaved by a household and painted ridiculous colors, a beautiful princess strode through the remnants of the hillside. She was singing and skipping and suddenly stopped to give someone directions. “No, no, no… you go left at three paces, take a right at the old tree… and follow that breadcrumb path all the way.”

The rock looked up to see a flock of birds flying off in the direction of what he knew to be a very hungry witch.

“Serves them right for interrupting my favorite song. They deserve much worse than those horrid bees. Buzzing about my boudoir for a chance to dance along with MY vocals!”

The rock was appalled! How could someone so beautiful be so evil?

And suddenly, a bubble engulfed them both, floating to…


Fun Facts (a.k.a. sly inferences):

  • Pet rocks were pretty popular in the 70s.

  • Storybook princesses can typically talk to animals and love to sing with them… right? Great until they cause ecosystem collapse.

  • Hansel & Gretel’s escape must have left the witch desperate.

  • Perhaps they’ll go to the Land of Oz in a beautiful, pink bubble…

My mind can be a fantastically silly place sometimes. Hope you enjoyed the laugh. :)

Yours truly,

Chelle Elle

“Chelle Elle” has been drawing since she was really small. No restaurant napkin was ever safe when crayons were involved! Now, she writes and illustrates characters and other fun ideas to help her dreams and the dreams of others come to life! And yes, she takes commissions and would love to hear from you.

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