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Meet the Artist (& Important Life Lessons)

Hi everyone (and Happy Monday)!

I've been wanting to do one of these for awhile now and am so glad I did it!


Meet the Artist by @ArtofChelleElle


It's amazing how you get to these kinds of personal lists and you go... oh wow, how do I want to present myself to the world? What do I like and dislike...? I don't think these kinds of lists define us as much as I used to, but I really enjoy them and think they are fun! After all, personality profiling is one of my "likes". :)

This was more challenging to do than I had thought, really, as I had to ask my husband what my dislikes were. And the man I've known for so long told me he didn't know...! Though, the pickles thing should have been at least one giveaway because I almost always give him any pickles I acquire with meals. Haha!

I suppose that not having dislikes come to me immediately was a good thing. Maybe it means I'm an agreeable person? But, I did finally settle on some dislikes and realized that my priority on character does make it seem as though I'm not as agreeable as assumed. It really just boils down to the fact that I don't like any ounce of unkindness or ill-treatment toward anyone in any form. Or unnecessary "ickiness". The world needs more happy things!

At the end of the day, this is just a list, but I do suppose having a good understanding of your likes and dislikes can be pretty important. Personally, I've found that knowing your dislikes can especially help you set healthy boundaries for yourself and others. This is highly relevant for me right now as I'm going through a book called "Boundaries" by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend. I'm learning how boundaries in faith, business / work, relationships, and more are crucial to a healthy life!

Here are some things I've learned (And I hope will get you thinking!):

Boundaries & Faith

I'm a Christian and for me, I've found I have this misconception that I and many others of this faith can hold; that we aren't allowed to set boundaries because it's selfish. Or, that we aren't allowed to say no to things, especially when someone needs help. We are definitely told in the Bible to help where we can, and we should! But, we can't do everything. We do have to acknowledge our limits on ability, time, resources, etc. You should also never feel guilty or resentful for serving someone! That's when you know there needs to be some reevaluation of the situation.

Boundaries & Business

I know far too many people who work themselves near to death. Their health suffers, their relationships suffer, they lose interest in their work... It's rough. It's of course okay to say yes to things at your job, especially when learning something new or beginning in a new role. But, again, you can't say yes to everything, especially if it's the fifth time in a week your boss is asking you to stay three hours extra when that was never part of the plan (or in your job description). I used to be particularly bad at this and allowed myself to be a doormat. So bad. Don't be a doormat, guys, and stand up for yourself.

We all have times where we have to put in some extra work, but there should be rules you set for yourself. Whether it's dealing with an abusive relationship at your job, an inability to decline extra work, or you're finding that your whole career is driven simply by the fear of losing your job... try taking a step back and evaluating your career and where you can make some healthy changes.

Boundaries & Relationships

This is a whole, huge category that can span anywhere from friends and family, all the way to those you aren't on such great terms with. Whether it's setting boundaries for how you treat your friends, what areas of your life you allow your parents into as an adult, or even how you choose to raise your kids, this is a HUGE and crucial category. After all, everyone likely deals with people in some form or fashion.

Learning to treat people well and help them learn how to best treat you is a great way to lead a healthy and happy life.


Anywho, I realize my fun illustration brought on a more serious topic than was likely intended, but I really do find it an important one. Whenever I'm feeling "unbalanced" or uneasy about things in my life, I like to understand why and I have really found the "Boundaries" book (click the link to learn more) to be helpful. Being upfront, it definitely has a Christian lean, but even if you don't share that same faith, I highly recommend the read. The questions the book asks and the situations it presents really help you think and reevaluate every area of your life and give you great tips on how to bring things back into order and take back control of your life.

*Just a point of clarification I feel is important: I wasn't sponsored to share about the book, but I like it so much and have found it so helpful, I had to share it!*

Hope you are all having a wonderful Monday and are looking forward to the week ahead.

All the best,

Chelle Elle

“Chelle Elle” has been drawing since she was really small. No restaurant napkin was ever safe when crayons were involved! Now, she writes and illustrates characters and other fun ideas to help her dreams and the dreams of others come to life! And yes, she takes commissions and would love to hear from you.

Email her today to learn more about how she can bring your ideas to life at:

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