Fan Art: Legal or Lethal?
Hey guys,
Big topic today... in fact, it's huge. Huge enough to make or break your artistic career.
Today's topic? The legality of fan art.
When I was a young teen, I remember sitting in front of my computer and admiring the work of my favorite artists on DeviantART. Much of what I loved about their art was that it showed characters in pop culture that were beloved by me, such as Harry Potter, Aang, Prince Zuko, Hermione... the list goes on. It was hilarious and I loved getting to imagine another world, getting a glimpse into what might have been through the artistic interpretations of these creatives. Fan art was all over and so was fan fiction. DeviantART was riddled with it!
I still go back and look at those drawings from time to time! They are still so fantastic. :D
However, there was something that I needed to hear. Something that must have been nagging at me all those years.
Recently, I was doing some research and came across this very interesting post (READ IT HERE) by fellow artist, Chris Oatley. It made me realize what I had been forgetting to think about all this time. Copyright.
All of these fantastic, famous, fictional characters have been created by someone. And if they are well-known enough, they are likely copyrighted. And copyrighted by a big corporation with experienced lawyers at that.
Guys, copyright is no joke. And neither is going to jail over a drawing of Princess Peach in a crossover as a Sailor Scout (I'm sure it's been done. Surely.).
Take a look at this video of Josh Wattles, DeviantART's current Advisor in Chief. It was filmed at San Diego's Comic-Con and highlights fan art law. It's an interesting watch and could be your get-out-of-jail free card... 'cause nobody wants to go to prison over something as fun as fan art.
Let me know your thoughts on this in the comments below! I'm very intrigued to learn more about your experiences with this!
Onward in learning!
Chelle Elle
“Chelle Elle” has been drawing since she was really small. No restaurant napkin was ever safe when crayons were involved! Now, she writes and illustrates characters and other fun ideas to help her dreams and the dreams of others come to life! And yes, she takes commissions and would love to hear from you.
Email her today to learn more about how she can bring your ideas to life at:
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