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Five Favorites About Being an Artist

Hi guys!

So glad you could stop by for this week's post.

Lately, I've been reflecting on how tough it can be to be an artist and to pursue passions. Some days I get discouraged, some days I'm overcome with thankfulness to God for where He's put me and the interests and talents He's given me. It's those things I'm thankful for that I wanted to focus on and share with you all. Hopefully, you are encouraged and inspired by it!

Number 5: Communicating

If there is anything I have learned, it's that being unable to communicate is about one of the most frustrating things in the world for me. And I know it's a frustration to so many others, like the toddler who had meltdown in front of me the other day because they were overwhelmed with thoughts, wants, and feelings they couldn't quite put into words. Oh little child, as an adult, I'm still struggling with that.

I majored in "Communication" in college. I've studied A LOT of languages and cultures. I've had multiple accents due to where I've lived that have made me approachable to particular groups of people at various times in my life. I've danced and acted out my feelings through performances. I use a lot of hand gestures. And despite all of these various ways of communicating, sometimes it's still not enough. Sometimes it takes "playing Pictionary" with people to get an idea across. I mean, have you ever been traveling or were ever trying to help someone visiting your country and neither of you spoke the same language? Isn't it frustrating to not be able to help or to feel helpless?! For your own sanity draw them a map. Or at least a picture of an ice cream cone so they can direct you to the nearest soft serve. Mmmm. :)

There are other times I have things I can't put into words (sometimes because I stutter over my too - quick mouth), much like that toddler from the other day. I have ideas in my head that just need to get out. I will get mental pictures of things at random, or miniature movies in my head when songs inspire me, etc... and I just need to put it into a visual. I love being able to do that so I can show people what I'm thinking and feeling; I think that helps a lot with empathy and since I love to share things with people, it makes art and drawing that much more special to me. Any other artists feel like this?

Number 4: Turning Off My Brain

I have struggled with anxiety, depression, OCD (and I'm not talking a need to be cleanly, I mean real OCD), perfectionism, etc. for a very long time. Turning off my brain is like trying to stop a heavy, round boulder that's rolling down a steep hill. Whew.

Because of this, art time is really special to me. I don't have to think about anything except about what something looks like or feels like... the thinking I do may at most be pulling from memories, but I can shut off other parts of my brain that are screaming for some overindulgent attention. *Breathes sigh of relief*

Not only can my brain turn off, but it's a time I can listen to music (Which is AWESOME!)! I am one of those people who has to have nearly complete silence to focus. Just as an example, I would cry in frustration in high school when someone was watching TV too loudly while I was trying to do math homework. In college, I couldn't study in the library or do study groups. I would literally hide in my closet to study statistics. Don't get me started on "real world", desk job stuff! I envy you all who can multitask with worded music (I can handle some white noise and classical stuff, so don't worry TOO much about me!). Go you! No, really, go you! But... what's your secret?

Number 3: Bringing Joy & Encouragement

When I get to doing work for myself or others, people often say things like...

"Wow I wish I could do that!" or " I could NEVER do what you do."

And you know, I think the same thing about you "non artists". Teaching full time? Engineering? Nursing? Whew. There are some things that I know would be a struggle for me to do if I made them into a career.

But you know, it does make me feel happy to hear people say things to me like that. It's encouraging! I forget that we don't all have the same skill sets. I focus so much on not being able to do this, that, or the other and when I realize someone thinks that of what I do, it makes me feel special and important. By no means do I like that people self-deprecate to build me up, but the point of the matter is that it's nice to be reminded that what I do is appreciated.

In returning the favor to those comments, though, I do get to use my skills to encourage others and bring them joy. When I get to do wedding gifts, inspirational calligraphy, portraits, etc... it makes me happy to get to do art, but also to hear how happy what I put my heart and soul into made someone feel. :)

Number 2: Having a Strong Backbone

This one's a bit of a two-sided coin, but as with many things in life, you get one with the other.

As an artist, I have learned to take criticism and rejection (May it be known far and wide that this is NOT a skill I was born with.). I think perhaps I've been fortunate so far to not hear much direct slander or harsh words from those critiquing my work, but I've definitely learned that not everyone is going to love what you do or appreciate it.

Being someone that feels the need to be liked by all, this has been one of my tougher life lessons. But, being an artist has allowed me to explore rejection and criticism in a way that has helped me grow in other areas in my life. I no longer take criticism from people so personally. I can pick myself up, or allow myself to be picked up and dusted off more quickly. I allow myself to fail and to learn from that failure. I've learned to do things I like because I like them, not because of what others think about them.

Backbone status? Stronger than ever. And still developing.

Number 1: Sharing with God

We all have skills imparted to us by our Heavenly Father that He has within Him. We are made in His image (Genesis 1:27), after all, and just like our earthly parents, we share traits with our heavenly one.

I'm really glad to have realized that I share a heart for creation and beauty with my Creator. I think it's why I've always loved looking at the sky. It looks like a new painting every day. The clouds are wisped one way, the colors are all different at sunset, the stars form patterns and twinkle at night... the sky is God's greatest canvas. And it's a way to remind us that He's there and loves us enough to share such beauty with us! It's a real treat!

My connection with God is definitely through the way things look (Not in a superficial way!) and just at wondering how He did it and why He would make it a certain way... and even how long it took to make things, like all the variety of trees and flowers alone. If you've ever tried to copy real life flowers in watercolor, you'll know how getting things just right seems impossible at times. I'm so amazed at how many things were essentially molded and painted into what they are to our eyes. And SO many colors. And don't even get me started on landscapes...

It's really awesome to reflect on what traits God has shared with you and to think that He wants to bond with you over that. You bet He wants to know about the ideas and dreams you have in your related fields of study and interest!


There are many things I enjoy about being an artist, but I'm sure I can't yet put them all into words (that communicating thing back for more), but I feel like these five things are a pretty good start. I'm thankful for them and grateful to have been given the ability to see them as blessings. :)

Also, thank you so much to you, my friends and readers who keep coming back for each post. When I switched over to less blogging due to my schedule, I was pretty sad about it as I love to write and share what's going on with you all! Your sticking to me like glue despite that change has meant a lot. Perhaps someday soon I'll have more time for writing. Until then, writing a blog is a super special treat for me and I hope it's something you enjoy.

Can't wait until I speak with you next!

Chelle Elle

“Chelle Elle” has been drawing since she was really small. No restaurant napkin was ever safe when crayons were involved! Now, she writes and illustrates characters and other fun ideas to help her dreams and the dreams of others come to life! And yes, she takes commissions and would love to hear from you.

Email her today to learn more about how she can bring your ideas to life at:

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